Life with PC
153 文章
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Jack Wang
153 文章
36 分类
200 标签
Jack Wang
Xi'an Jiaotong University 🇨🇳
University of Alberta 🇨🇦
University of Wisconsin-Madison 🇺🇸
A junoir Computer Science student
Love CS, love life.
If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.
Paper that I've read, categorized into different fields.
A 32-bit Operating System written by Jack Wang, written when learning OS in UW-Madison, CS537
Operating System
Data Structure & Algorithm
计算机视觉 模式识别 Computer Vision Pattern Recognition 操作系统 Reading Notes 作业 DataStructure 数据结构 A* PathPlanning Matplotlib GUI xv6 JackOS GAMS 前端 HTML CSS JavaScript Vue Latex Overleaf 学习笔记 Latex Package Latex Class Latex Commands Latex Environment paper writing Linux内核 Linux内核源码分析 C语言 mktemp FHS Linux Linux内核源码目录 Ubuntu 进程 线程 task_struct at crontab mail sendmail mailx 内网穿透 用户 用户组 useradd userdel usermod NP NP Hard NP Complete Algorithm AlexNet NIPS NIPS 2012 深度学习 Deep Learning GUI开发 PyQt 杂项 Python Comprehension Python 推导式 CSDN Blog Transfer ROS教程 ROS安装 catkin_make rqt_graph roslaunch 话题通信 服务通信 参数服务器 cv_bridge melodic OpenCv tf2 sensor_msgs Kinect V2 iai-kinect2 Research Proposal Workshops CCISTC University of Cambridge QQ 微信 Wechat Virtualbox Typora PicGo Shell VSCode tasks.json launch.json Fundamentals of digital image Imaging Principle Hexo git 数据结构和算法 多线程 同步与互斥 实习日记 中科院 Rust X11 SSH 健身 frp Linux实用技巧 HuffmanEncode HuffmanAlgorithm 英语学习 数学建模题型 数学建模算法体系 数学建模常用解题方法 Math Modeling COMAP 数学建模美赛 MCM ICM Mathematical Contest in Modeling The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling 线性规划 Linear Programming 主成分分析 Principal Components Analysis 整数规划 物理地址 逻辑地址 有效地址 线性地址 虚拟地址 实模式 保护模式 段选择子 段描述符表 短描述符 内存分段 内存分页 页表 页表项 01规划 非线性规划 Non-Linear Programming 层次分析法 Analytic Hierarchy Process 一维二维插值 拟合 Interpolation Fitting 相关性分析 皮尔逊系数 Correlation Analysis Pearson Correlation Coefficient Spearman's rank correlation coefficient 模糊数学 模糊综合评价 Fuzzy Comprehension Evaluation Method fuzzy mathematics 灰色关联分析 灰色预测 灰色模型 Grey relational analysis Grey Model Hungyi Li Machine Learning Neural Network CNN GAN Self-Attention Attention Transformer Pytorch AI TensorBoard 编译原理 信号量 互斥锁 自旋锁 条件锁 条件变量 锁的实现 ROS1 ROS1教程 ROS1安装 ROS2 ROS1开发环境搭建 ROS1编译系统 ROS1文件系统 ROS1通信机制 Tmux 计算机组成原理 Python Stub File .pyi Python Type Hint Python 类型注释